Facebook campaigns

Facebook campaigns

Honour the Treaties (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and Neil Young): The response by conservative media and the federal government to Neil Young’s statements prompted us to stand stronger together. The “Honour the Treaties” concert series raised over $86,000 for the ACFN’s legal defense fund.
Artists including Gord Downie, Neve Campbell and Michael Ondaatje signed a letter of support.
Leadnow’s most successful graphic to date received more than 12,000 shares

Facebook graphics for Leadnow.ca, Tar Sands Solutions Network and other organizations.

The most successful of these Facebook graphics I designed were shared by the public hundreds, and sometimes over a thousand times.

More work

“Ruth” film poster

Election campaign branding and material

Impact Assessment Act report

Recycling Alternative website

Campaign branding and collateral


Business cards

Buy Local farmers’ market campaign

BC Farmers’ Market Directory

Promoting accessible books

Nutrition coupons

Farmers Appreciation Week

Trike wrap

Vote yes for better cycling and transit