Ban Big Money + Vote BC promo

Ban Big Money + Vote BC promo

10 x 20 foot billboard
10 x 20 foot billboard on Burrard St., Vancouver
Vote BC handbill
Vote BC handbill
Bus shelter ad
Bus shelter ad

Ban Big Money billboards and magazine ad call attention to corporate donations to the BC Liberal Party and the Premier’s flip-flop on Kinder Morgan’s tanker and pipeline proposal. Vote BC billboard and bus shelter ad tie this into a campaign to increase voter turnout and engagement. Handbills that illustrate the relationship between low voter turnout and conservative rule were distributed at canvassing events and by mail. Concepts in collaboration with Dogwood.

Dogwood was instrumental in making corporate donations a key election issue for the 2017 provincial election.

More work

“Ruth” film poster

Election campaign branding and material

Impact Assessment Act report

Recycling Alternative website

Campaign branding and collateral


Business cards

Buy Local farmers’ market campaign

BC Farmers’ Market Directory

Promoting accessible books

Nutrition coupons

Farmers Appreciation Week

Trike wrap

Vote yes for better cycling and transit