Let’s Go Biking book pages

Let’s Go Biking book pages

Vancouver book sales page
Okanagan book sales page
Main book page
Main book page before July 2020
Top part of page on iPhone

For Colleen MacDonald’s second book launch, I redesigned the book sales page to accommodate a second book and built two new pages to better market each book in a more enticing and professional manner. Results speak for themselves: a 29% conversion rate on the new sales pages* over the first month. My previous one-page design garnered her up to a 8.75% conversion rate.

Attention was paid to ease of use for mobile and minimizing the amount of scrolling required before purchase buttons are displayed. The bundle banner was built using a reusable block and designed to be responsive to varying devices.

Services: wireframing, mockups and custom development with WordPress. (The rest of the site is a customized Solopine theme.)

*Using unique pageviews on two book sales pages vs thank you page for completed transactions.

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