Frack Free BC action in Victoria

Frack Free BC action in Victoria

After-party invitation (stock illustrations) and rally invitation flyer
Large banner outside the convention, matching the ad design
Digital billboard which appeared on the Patricia Bay Highway outside Victoria
After-party invitation design and Frack Free BC logo on t-shirt. (Stock illustrations for flyer.)
Brand jam logo on 11″ x 17″ rally sign
Vote card front, back

The November 2023 Frack Free BC (FFBC) action outside the NDP Convention in Victoria, BC, asked convention delegates to end fracking in BC. The resolution to ban new fracking projects sadly did not make it to a vote, but got closer than ever before. The action drew a crowd of about 250 people to demand BC go frack free and to listen to a host of impassioned speakers who, among other issues, underscored the terrible health impacts of fracking in this province.

I worked with the FFBC team to design a suite of campaign assets: transit and billboard ads, a large format banner, brand jammed logo, t-shirts, buttons, flyers, poster, fake voter card, and rally signs. One set of buttons were worn by supportive convention delegates. I had also designed the Frack Free BC logo, which appeared on stickers and buttons.

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Impact Assessment Act report

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