June 16, 2007

How to feel very special

1. Get your dream job.

2. Attend an industry event with your coworkers, and cheer for them when they win free stuff.

3. Tell your friends at the event that the coworker of yours who won free stuff is your coworker.

4. Write down or give out a card with your name and position/company on it.

5. Acknowledge the meaning in your life when you say, “see you tomorrow” or “see you in the morning.”

6. Put your name and occupation in the signature of your emails.

7. Add your job title and company to your Facebook profile.

8. Tell other potential employers you’ve accepted another job.

9. Blog about the amazing week you’ve had with the talented people you now work with.

10. Answer “Interactive Designer” (or other position) when asked your job title, and grin proudly as you watch the financial advisor write it down on your new credit card application (par example). Then wonder if the bank or credit card company will even know what it means.

11. …?

* This list is autobiographical though generalized. Please do not copy.