June 29, 2006

an unlucky day

Today my math wasn’t so great and neither was my timing.

First, knowing full well my bus fare was $2.25, I grabbed $3.25, and didn’t even think anything of it 10 minutes later when I put it in the machine. Fortunately I avoided embarassment by not noticing it. I got off the bus and since this guy who got on and off the bus when I did was about to jaywalk the busy street, which was a much shorter route for me as well, I followed, though feeling a bit stupid when it took so long to get across the other side of the boulevard.

Did my thing at the bank and came out only to miss the bus I had planned to get, but, no matter, I anticipated that and knew the next wait was the shortest I’d get. That’s when I discovered I’d lost a dollar, but, not the first time. I contemplated taking full advantage of it and heading out for a 2-zone fare (which is what I paid for, instead of one), but I didn’t feel like going all the way to the skytrain and didn’t have time anyway. Got on the bus and did my thing at the other bank, entering in the wrong pin number to begin with. I had some time to wander around so I went in the dollar store, contemplated things, and walked out wanting chocolate but carrying two boxes of Anna’s brand Swedish thin cookies, almond and chocolate mint. MMM. Popular there, apparently. $4 spent on goodies to cheer me up.

Waited forever to cross the street (it’s a hot day) to catch the bus and, ooh how convenient, the bus stop is right there! I’m thrilled, and someone wants to turn, so I run. I run across a 1.5 foot wide patch of grass with clovers on it. Suddenly I feel a sharp prick, and figure it’s just some sharp grass like when I stepped on dry grass earlier. I look down and whisk away a BEE and then am overcome with dread… and pain. Catch the bus — a 5 minute ride and 8 minute walk thereafter — or run into a restaurant and seek help? 20 or so minutes left on my fare. Better try. They didn’t have meat tenderizer, but she offered me ice and another suggested dripping candle wax on it, so the bartender helped me. I didn’t manage to drip any on it (wouldn’t that hurt?) but it soothed a little bit; mostly the ice worked. Usually I have my lipbalm on me which has both beeswax (thank you bees) and calendula in it.

Bus was slow and two people kept looking at me like as if I was the one blasting dance music in my earphones, but I know that lady with the glare knew the truth when she walked by the guy with the music.

I made it home fairly quickly considering I was limping at a snail’s pace. I think three teenage boys insulted me on the way but I didn’t bother flipping them the bird and instead slightly exaggerated my limp. Oh I’m soooo sorry for myself. At home I put calendula cream and arnica gel on it.

Breathing and not thinking about it and being strong helped. Most of all, being candid about it made sure I balanced my desperation with friendliness. It may have been my unlucky day, but a bee is dead and I honestly feel worse for it. It was definitely not its lucky day. It’s beyond me how it made it to the wrinkle UNDER MY THIRD TOE while wearing proper, though open-toed sandals.

So I guess I don’t feel so bad about losing a dollar. Turns out those cookies came at a greater consolation than expected. And, I have a bit more courage than I had this morning. I’m thankful to be alive, thankful to not be allergic to bee stings (I might be to wasps’), and thankful to have such kind people in my neighbourhood.

My other half, who was away at the time, said to take a photo, so here you go. My little red toe.