January 14, 2007

A yummy, guilt-free snack

Bananas, grapes, honey and yogurt

Normally I don’t feel like I need to tighten the belt on my eating habits post-Christmas. This year, however, with various predicaments that I attribute to excess sugar and irregular eating and sleeping patterns, I’m taking control of my mind and my stomach — or, perhaps, my taste buds.

It’s not easy when you’ve got baking for two, but one of them doesn’t like some of it. So now I still have pulla and stollen through which I’m slowly gnawing my way (guiltily), and I just made apple crisp. It needs a new formula, because this time for whatever reason, he didn’t like it. I don’t know why. At least I’m willing to try something different because I’m growing tired of the liquid sugar that sits 2cm thick at the bottom. Yuck. So… any recipe recommendations?

When I needed a snack tonight, I eyed the yogurt I just bought and wondered what would go well with it. Sliced apple? Mmm… too lazy. Canned peaches? Nah… Aha, fresh banana! Slice ‘er up into plain Astro 3% yogurt, which is nice and thick and not full of sugar and artificial flavours you’ll find in runny, flavoured yogurts. Add some vanilla extract and locally-produced honey. Stir it all in and enjoy. (I’ll admit the vanilla extract I have is artificial, which is horrifying, but a) I didn’t notice that when boyfriend picked it out, and b) on a limited budget, genuine vanilla extract is tragically expensive. So I’ll make an artificiality exception.)

If you’re feeling adventurous, try it with some raisins, almonds, walnuts or cashews.

I would have a picture for you, but I ate it. It was delicious. So maybe next time.

*Edit* here it is, “next time.” I added grapes, and after I took the photo I added walnuts, which was a delicious touch. They’re nice and easy on the teeth. I hadn’t stirred in the honey since I added it after the bananas. I know it’s a lot of food, and I’m not a food stylist, but I was hungry and had to finish up the grapes and yogurt.