August 30, 2006

Precursor to my grad project: Native cultures & healthy peoples

I found this article on Dr. Mercola’s website: “Politically Incorrect: The Neglected Nutritional Research of Dr. Weston Price”.

You know, it’s funny how seemingly misunderstood food, nutrition, and a “balanced diet” are, considering how important it is. I remember high school; the triangle. They were right about the sweets at the top, and perhaps the carbohydrates at the bottom have been challenged. HOWEVER, I’ve always found the low-carb thing to be somewhat preposterous because I was always told we gain a lot of energy from carbs. The painting contractor chickie makes an interesting point about the whole low-fat thing as well: “Fat free, lite and diet foods make people fat, by the way. Only fat people buy these products. Ever noticed?” If it doesn’t make them fat it might kill them, because aspartame is deadly, and will kill ants… in case you have an ant problem. (Might wanna try boiled potato leaves instead.)

But I digress.

The article I referred to above is about the findings of Dr. Weston Price. He discovered that Native peoples with their traditional diets were incredibly healthy, and had “on average, less than 1% of tooth decay”! (I’ve heard about this before, but what are we going to do in our society anyway, since we’re basically screwed.) Do read about his findings; I think they will surprise you.

My grad project will explore what the food industry has done to ruin nutrition. If I can, I’ll be a little more politically charged and criticize the pharmaceutical industry as well. I think they’re all in cahoots. It’s capitalism. “But we are a capitalist nation!” you say. I can’t remember the clever statement I had in response to that, but why should we deny our bodies what we fundamentally need, just because a handful of people are greedy? Are those people, too, eating foods abnormally high in sugar, and tomatoes that might as well be plastic? Cardboard potatoes?

Man, potatoes are so good, too. I want a vegetable patch! Is nothing sacred?