Upcoming: Mark Lakeman, Natalie Purschwitz and SUSTAIN: Vancouver

I thought I’d alert you dreamers, makers and thinkers to some upcoming events in Vancouver.
This should be an interesting month, with David Owen speaking Thursday on why Manhattan is the greenest city, and if Portland isn’t, Mark Lakeman is sure to prove they’re ready to take the lead.
“Eco-Dreaming Vancouver!” with Mark Lakeman, City Repair Co-Founder, Portland
Friday, March 25, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Join us for Mark’s “The Village Lives” presentation on how Portland is rapidly becoming the USA’s leading green city!
Saturday, March 26, 10am – 5pm
Join us for a day of Collaborative and City Repair Games facilitated by Mark Lakeman, Power of Hope and Village Vancouver. We will spend the day building community, having fun, and learning how to work as “villages” to ecologically re-design and retrofit our neighbourhoods. Registration 9:30 am. Please RSVP for Saturday workshops to: sara[at]powerofhope.org
Location: W2 Storyeum, 151 West Cordova
Cash bar and lunch service available by W2 Catering.
More information and register by donation at ecodreamingvancouver.eventbrite.com
Thanks to Sara Dent.
Thing to Thing: The Makeshift Project / Natalie Purschwitz
Saturday – Sunday, March 26 – 27, 10am – 5pm
Part of the gallery’s WE: Vancouver exhibition.
This two-day performance features artist and designer Natalie Purschwitz, who will turn personal objects into functional bags. Bring anything from a frisbee to a paperback novel and it will be transformed. Free with Gallery admission. More like this
SUSTAIN: Vancouver
Saturday, April 9
Part of the gallery’s WE: Vancouver exhibition.
How might current models of culture, ecology and economics shape the future of urban living? How can we reimagine the place we live? This one-day conference will present eminent speakers in an exploration of present and future sustainability, including Michael Green of MGB Architecture, Kelty Miyoshi McKinnon, co-founder of Living Lab, and Nick Sulley, founding principal of Shape Architecture.
For tickets, please call 604.662.4700. Tickets: $65 adults; $55 members; $30 students (with valid ID). More like this
This daily green blog challenge is in celebration of David Suzuki’s 75th birthday, supporting the David Suzuki Foundation. Please help me out by sponsoring me online now.
Note: I am writing solely on my own behalf, and do not claim to represent the David Suzuki Foundation or its views here.