January 29, 2007

Finns, please! and/or designers: Coffee and Pulla

I’m designing a book about Finland (called Coffee and Pulla), explored through family stories and comparisons to Canada. As a requirement, I need a mentor. Very little contact is expected by my instructor — 2 or 3 times over the semester, which ends in mid-April — so it may only require an hour or two of your time over the course of a couple months. Any time spared is appreciated.

So who can help me?

I’m looking for any combination of:

a) a Finn who immigrated to Canada (or at least lived here for some length of time) OR

b) a Canadian who immigrated to Finland (or at least lived there for some length of time)

c) a (graphic) designer, particularly if one of the above

d) a writer

e) a photographer

This is short notice because my to-do list lives at the back of my head, but I digress. I’m under the impression I need the information by February 5th (a week from today). HOWEVER, reponses after that, though they may not be “official” on the sheet, are still appreciated! The more mentors the merrier.

So what would I like from you?

a) responses to my questions about Finland, similarities to Canada

b) responses to any other questions

c) relevant personal experience, perhaps

d) design, art, writing feedback (criticism/praise)

e) anything else you feel is applicable to offer

My target audience is ages 25 to 30, Finns and Canadians, but this doesn’t apply to my mentors 🙂

Please reply either in comments here or to design [att] erikarathje [dott] ca.

Thank you / Kiitos!