August 20, 2006

You know you’re a nerd when…

You know you’re a nerd when you rejoice over your victory over Internet Explorer’s quirks and antics. You also know you’re a nerd when you put “DAHAHA! I have conquered Internet Explorer’s antics!!!” in your MSN name even though only 3 other people (out of, um, 70) will actually understand what you mean.

Actually, I still have a couple odd things to fix… but I’m pretty damn happy of some of my discoveries tonight. You’ll see on my main page when it’s launched that each section has an underlined title nestled above the text box. It was a pixel too low in IE compared to Safari, so I thought, hmm, since type varies across both, what can I change? Line height. I made it the same px height as my text, nudged the positioning back down a bit, and VOILA! Poyfect! My satisfaction is knowing I figured it out all on my own. That is the reward for any frustration in this game and one reason I like it so much… it feels REALLY GOOD when it WORKS!!!