March 17, 2007

Coffee and Pulla: Progress update

Book spread from Coffee and Pulla

I know I’ve been quiet for awhile. I haven’t been answering some emails, I haven’t been washing the dishes, and I’ve either been sleeping too much, too little, or too poorly. To top it off I now have my second cold within a month! I guess that’s what I get for being in good health, rhinovirus-wise, for a record 9 months. I think this is the first time that my boyfriend and I have exchanged a cold. Shucks, I thought our proximity would make us immune!

I’m busily working through my grad project, titled Coffee and Pulla, and having finally found my passions in it, I’m at full steam ahead. (Minus the setbacks from the head cold, of course.) So, above is one spread from the book. This one is about my grandfather, and features some stunning old photographs I’d never seen before! I diligently spent probably 2 or 3 hours in Photoshop trying to digitally sew two photographs together. That is, two photographs I took of these photographs. They were at slightly different angles, so it took a lot of cunning, despair, hope, and determination to get it looking optically perfect, though truthfully, a little skewed. 🙂 Without the originals, no one will be able to tell. I’m pretty happy with it!

My middle name is procrastination unless I’m truly excited about something, so while I quite willingly and eagerly (frighteningly eager) stay up until 4am working on a comp for the grad website (they liked it!), you probably won’t find me working on a print project at 4 in the morning. It’s just not my stuff… but I’m finding out I’m not so bad at it, after all.