June 16, 2006

tell me

is it easier for you to read a block of text when proper capitalization is used, as opposed to my habit of not using it at all?


(Fictional story.) Today I went to the supermarket to buy some lettuce but they were all sold out. If I had a few more cents I would drive to the next supermarket to see if they had some. Unfortunately, I have to wait until next month before I can do another debit transaction, like that dad who decided he would go to a girl’s store to find clothing for his son and daughter for their granny’s birthday party. I think I would go to a store that sold both if I knew I had one transaction left, but that would defeat the purpose of the commercial. Grrr, salmon! “It’s salmon,” said my high school principal after a comment on his “pink” shirt. (Actually, that part was true.)

(fictional story.) today i went to the supermarket to buy some lettuce but they were all sold out. if I had a few more cents i would drive to the next supermarket to see if they had some. unfortunately, i have to wait until next month before i can do another debit transaction, like that dad who decided he would go to a girl’s store to find clothing for his son and daughter for their granny’s birthday party. i think i would go to a store that sold both if i knew i had one transaction left, but that would defeat the purpose of the commercial. grrr, salmon! “it’s salmon,” said my high school principal after a comment on his “pink” shirt. (actually, that part was true.)

i’m finding it’s easier to see the chunk of text as distinct sentences rather than potentially run-on text, when there is capitalization. i suddenly feel pretty dumb realising that because of my commitment to readability. hrm… what do you think? please tell me.