What's wrong with our food supply?

Over the last fifty years or more, the nutritional value of food has declined. Favourites such as potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, and even chicken have lost valuable vitamins and minerals, while unfavourable content such as fat, salt, and extra carbohydrate have increased. For example, potatoes have lost ALL of their vitamin A, and about 30% of their vitamin C. Meanwhile, food's toxicity is increasing through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and genetic modification, which pose great risks to our health and that of the environment.

To our detriment, the companies that grow and sell these products care only about the bottom line: profit. They cater only to one of our senses — sight — and ignore all the rest.

Please browse this site to find out more about the issues, why they matter, and the range of impacts they have on your health, the environment, and more. Discover how to find and grow food that stimulates the rest of your senses. Please do share your experiences, knowledge, and questions in the blog. There you can also find articles and personal accounts. The resources page contains a list of books and websites that are especially interesting, engaging, and informative on a wide range of topics. Take a peek and spark your senses.

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  • Read commentary on articles and selected full texts in the blog.
Organic Uchiki Kuri squash


"Children at Southdown Infants School in Bath enjoy tasty homemade meals such as roast turkey with fresh vegetables, chicken tikka masala, lasagne with salad and fresh fruit for pudding.

"Vegetables are local, fresh and organic where possible. All meat is locally sourced and can be traced back to the farm.

"Instead of crisps, chocolate and sweets, the tuck shop serves organic carrots, dried fruit and fresh seasonal fruit in bags for 10p, and about 100 are sold each day.


"'We were becoming increasingly aware of the link between diet and concentration,' said Gill Culley, head teacher at the school.

"'Children's concentration and behaviour definitely improves after a good meal.'"

Read the full article from BBC News »
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